MIP Mini: Time Management Hacks for Influencers & Mompreneurs


Shewww! I’ll tell you what- raising a family and running a business is no joke. There is a constant pull for balance in making sure you are present with your children & partner, while also trying to make sure you are building your business and dream to a level you are proud of.

I have struggled with time management in the past and the physical, emotional, and mental destruction it puts on your body is intense. So on todays MIP MINI, I share 6 quick, bite-sized tips for big results when it comes to managing your time as a mommy influencer and entrepreneur.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Christy Keane: 00:00 Well. Hello Mamas. Thank you for tuning into this week’s and Mip mini. Today we’re going to talk all about time management hacks for influencers. And I feel like this is especially important as a mom because we have so much we are juggling throughout the day. And whether you’re a working mom or a stay at home mom, you still have little ones that are looking up to you and still need your undivided attention and your presence. So I think that time management inthe mommy influencer space is a particularly very, very important topic that I am still working on mastering myself. But I do want to share some tips that helped me along the way and tips that I’ve had from other friends who are very successful in the influencer and blogging space. So I hope this can help you guys be more present in your home life and to be more intentional and creative with your business endeavors. So let’s dive in.

Christy Keane: 01:01 You’re listening to the Mommy influencer podcast where we dive into motherhood, social media marketing, and hear from inspiring Mommy influencers, brands and industry experts to bring you the inside knowledge, tools and strategies to grow your influence in business through purposeful online content creation. I’m your host Christy keen and I’m a navy veteran and registered nurse turns stay at home mom turned full time motherhood influencer on track to be a six figure earner this year through social media marketing alone. So come in and cozy up mamas and get ready to take your influence to the next level.

Speaker 2: 01:38 So the

Christy Keane: 01:39 first time management hack that I want to touch on that I feel like it’s also really important for us as moms is to establish a morning routine. And I have to be completely honest. This is something that I am still constantly working on. But if you listened to my last interview with Amanda Hedgepeth, it is something that has significantly changed her time management skills and her productivity. So I really wanted to touch on this first. So a morning routine could be just something that you establish every day that helps you get in the right mindset. So it could be waking up a little bit before the kids doing a little meditation or just simply having your coffee in peace and quiet while you look at your emails. I know that’s one thing that I’ve started to try to do. Maybe not every morning of the week, but me and my husband do try to alternate when we wake up with the girls.

Christy Keane: 02:33 So on my mornings, what I’m trying to do, which is, you know, three to four days out of the week is wake up an hour earlier than when my youngest normally wakes up and simply have my coffee, eat my breakfast and start sorting through my emails. It is something that doesn’t sound like a big deal but actually makes a big difference because as most of us know who are tuning in, as soon as those kids are up, they meet you, they are ready for their breakfast and their needs and there is not a quiet second and my house anyhow for quite a few hours if I want to get some work done. The second time management hat for influencers is planning ahead of time and creating list, so this is huge. You don’t realize how quickly your to do list can stack up as an influencer and a blogger and when you’re really, really excited about things, you might put a lot on your plate and then whole crap.

Christy Keane: 03:29 It’s all there. There’s a ton of things to get done and you’re responsible for it. This is you and your brand and your business, so when you get behind it is just such a huge weight. I know at least for me, so planning ahead, having a strict schedule of when you’re going to create content, when you’re going to post the content. We’ve talked about using apps like planet Lee and plan and snug for things like this to make sure your captions are all done ahead of time. That is a huge time management. Sabre, again, if you tuned into my last interview with Amanda Hedgepath, she talks all about lists and how they can add to your productivity and I think it’s so huge to have somewhere to write things down, whether it’s physically with the pencil or on an app like Asana or Trello, just to know what you have on the horizon, what needs to be done, what are your deadlines, and just how to stay on top of that.

Christy Keane: 04:29 If you need to get somebody to help you as such as an assistant or um, a manager. Don’t feel bad about that. If you have the means and you can outsource, I think that is so great to do. The third time management hack is batching and this one is huge. You guys, if you can just take a day and just get all of your creative content done and if you hours simply taking five or six different pictures in a row, it makes a huge difference. I know for me, especially with this podcast, I love to schedule two or three interviews in a day because that’s usually where I am maxed out socially. And then on another day I’ll sit down and I’ll record these mini episodes in batches as well. So then when my goal is not only does this help me time management wise, but by the time this baby comes, because at the time of this recording, I’m 32 weeks pregnant, by the time this baby comes, I’m already going to have all this awesome content and tips and advice and strategies for you guys all set up on a schedule ready to post automatically so that I can be present with my family and enjoy my newborn baby boy.

Christy Keane: 05:47 And you guys don’t miss out on all of that goodness. So whether you’re a mom or not, just batching your content frees up so much your time to be productive in other areas of your life and present in other areas of your life. The fourth time management hack that I want to talk about is setting a timer and turning off your notifications when you’re in a moment of productivity. So if you’re going to do something, be a hundred percent present in it, finish the task and then give yourself a break. And it’s really hard to do that these days because we are so distracted at all the time. There’s always something to distract as, especially with smart phones and our laptops these days are connected to her I imessages and our email. It’s just always something. So if you’re going to sit down and you’re going to write out thoughtful captions for your pictures, for instance, set a timer for 25 minutes.

Christy Keane: 06:46 Be Very thoughtful and intentional about what you’re doing and when the timer’s up, give yourself a creative break. I personally really loved the advice that John Lee Dumas gives about this and he does a 42 18 rule and I don’t know, I guess that may be just be the time that he has figured out works great for him and it seems to be a really great time for me too, but set a timer for 42 minutes and be super productive and intentional and present in that time whatever task you’re doing and then give yourself 18 minutes of that hour to give your brain arrest to become more creative, to relax and to just refocus. That is something that is super, super helpful when you are trying to be more intentional with your time. The fifth time management hack that I think is so important that I have learned the hard way is you have to learn how to say no.

Christy Keane: 07:41 You guys, if you want to get the good yeses and if you want to spend our time doing things that matter to you, giving a message that you care about, you have to say no to the things that don’t spark joy or creativity for you and the things that are just going to pile up and just weigh on you and it’s hard. It’s so hard when you’re starting out and you’re getting these opportunities. The last thing you want to do is say no because you’re wondering, oh, what if or what if this could turn into something bigger or who could see me from this? But I have to say, you have to follow your gut with those. And I think there’s a lot of times that I didn’t do that and then I ended up getting stressed out. I would miss deadlines and then I would be even more anxious about missing deadlines because I know it’s affecting somebody on the other end as well.

Christy Keane: 08:28 It just turns into a headache and a lot of time lost with things that I would rather spend time doing and things and time that I would rather spend with my family. So just simply learning to say, no, it’s hard. It’s hard you guys, but you can do it because I promise you the yeses that are going to come are so much more meaningful and beautiful and worth your time. You have to be protective of that. And then my sixth and final advice that I’m going to share for our time management hack is specifically for Mamas out there. Since God is mostly who’s tuning in here and that is to every now and then invest in childcare. It is hard to do this when little ones are running around. And I know that a lot of times they are very necessary to be present in your content and your posts, depending on the brands that you’re working with.

Christy Keane: 09:21 But you don’t need the kids there when you’re writing captions, you don’t need the kids. They’re necessarily, when you’re planning out your week. Investing in childcare has been huge for me because I found that I was trying to do too much with the kids running around. I felt bad because they were always seeing me in my phone, which is, it’s the times these days, but I wasn’t getting things done at the level I felt like I could be getting them done or as quickly as I felt like I could be getting them done. Or on the other side of the spectrum, I was putting the girls to bed and I was working way too many hours into the night to finish what I needed to do. So, you know, I think the saying goes, you didn’t quit your nine to five to work 24 seven and it’s so, so true.


Christy Keane: 10:08 So just investing in childcare a couple hours a week so that you can knock some things off of your to do list and be really present and intentional with what you’re saying. What’s your messages, how you’re responding to brands. I think it makes a really huge difference. So those are my time management hacks for Mommy influencers. I hope that you’ll take away at least a couple tips from this because it’s so important and creating purposeful content and being present with your family and just being proud of what you’re doing. Thank you so much for tuning into this week’s Mitt mini. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and leave a review. Also, don’t forget to join the Mommy influence their podcast insiders group on Facebook so we can talk about this further. I would love to hear if anybody else has any special time management hacks as well, and I love it. Love it, love it, love it. When I see you guys screenshot the podcast and share it on Instagram, if you tag me and I see it, I will always reshare it and my stories because I just love sharing why you guys love the podcast. It makes me feel good and I love just how much you guys are building a community for us here at Mip and it’s going to be a beautiful ride. So thank you so much for tuning in. Guys. Have a great day.


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